Octopus 808
Octopus 303 Automatic
*** NEW MODEL***
Octopus 303
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Cobra 1525
Cobra 525 Semi-automatic
Cobra 525
Raptor 1525 Automatic
Raptor 1525
Raptor 525 Semi-automatic
Raptor 525
New Equipment
Used Equipment

Introduction To The MULLER OCTOPUS


Since their introduction in 1983, Octopus stretch wrapping machines have been known and respected globally as the standard for pallet unitization. The revolutionary "wrapping ring" on all Octopus models provides unequaled productivity, versatility and economy. Simply put, no other stretch wrapping machine can match its performance. And, with over 2,000 Octopus installations throughout the world, the Octopus is time-tested and field proven in the most demanding of applications.

MPEG Movie - Click to see a movie of the Octopus in action. (Please Note: This WMV file is 29MB in size. Depending on the speed of your connection and the software available on your computer, you may wish to select an alternate file size or type, available here.)

The patented Octopus wrapping ring allows for total flexibility in pallet wrapping. Because the film carriage rotates around a stationary load and because the film clamp, cutoff and heat seal travel vertically with the ring and film carriage, the Octopus can start and stop the wrap anywhere on the load. This allows for a virtually unlimited number of wrapping patterns.

The wrapping ring concept allows for a more reliable and high performance machine. Unlike rotary tower stretch wrapping machines, the Octopus only has to rotate the weight of the film carriage. A rotary tower has to rotate a film carriage as well as a heavy and cumbersome arm. Octopus stretch wrappers are more reliable as they do not have to work as hard. This results in lower machine maintenance.

The ability to start and stop the wrap cycle anywhere on the load has a particularly important advantage, film savings . Conventional rotary turntable and rotary tower (arm) stretch wrapping machines, which must start and stop the wrap cycle from the bottom of the load, the Octopus starts wrapping at the bottom of the load and then moves to the top of the load where the film is clamped, cut and heat-sealed. This "one pass" wrap pattern produces a film retention force comparable to traditional up/down wrapping patterns, but reduces the film usage by one to three revolutions. This results in a 30% to 50% film savings.

The wrapping ring itself is an example of Muller's commitment to technological advancement. The ring is a molded composite material that creates a rounder and more uniform circle than formed steel or aluminum can produce. This allows the Octopus to run smoothly as well as allowing for faster acceleration and deceleration. This significantly increases reliability and performance. Dependent on the model, Octopus machines can rotate up to 52 RPM.

Another example of Muller technological expertise is the optional Octopus CBT (Computer Based Training) system for machine operator training. This package includes a CD-ROM based program highlighting machine operation and components. It also includes a detailed training manual, laminated reference diagram and laminated trouble-shooting reference flip chart.

The Muller Octopus line can also provide wrapping solutions not possible with traditional stretch wrappers. From top cap and corner post dispensing in the wrap zone to dual stacked split wrapping, no other stretch wrapping system can provide the functionality of the Octopus.

From the inexpensive 202 to the 52 RPM 808, the Muller Octopus siblings provide the most versatile and technologically advanced stretch wrapping solutions for today as well as tomorrow.

The Octopus design stands second to none in the stretch wrap industry in terms of speed, film carriage technology, advanced film clamp cut & seal mechanisms, ease of maintenance, wrap pattern flexibility, safety features and more. See below for further details.


The Octopus line of stretchwrappers is the undisputed champion of high-speed applications. Since the model 808 Octopus has a rotation speed of over 50 RPM, it can now provide throughput speeds of up to 120 loads per hour while still using a 20" wide film. This is over 40% faster than any competitive stretchwrapper. Besides rotation speed, the fact that the film clamp travels vertically with the film carriage also increases the wrapping speed by eliminating wasted carriage travel time. Different wrap patterns like top banding and double stacked (split wrap) loads will increase throughput even more. These features are available only with an Octopus.

Loads Per Hour
Ring Speed
16 rpm
21 rpm
30 rpm
40 rpm
50 rpm


All Octopus models feature the "Octo-Thread" film carriage. This unique film carriage features a rear-opening gate for film threading. The operator pulls the film off the roll and through the gate. When closed, the gates forces the film into the prestretch rollers. The operator can easily thread the film without any risk of injury.

To ensure optimum film carriage performance during high-speed operations, the Octo-Thread film carriages features a strain gauge film tension-monitoring device. This allows for fast reaction to film tension requirements as well as eliminating problems associated with traditional dancer arm film tension systems. The strain gauge assembly is simple and has few moving parts to ensure reliable operation... .

The Octo-Thread film carriage also features an optional tilting film mandrel. This allows for easier film loading as well as reduced damage to film roll edges.

With a standard prestretch of 200%, the Octo-Thread can provide up to 300% prestretch to accommodate different film types as well as wrapping applications


To ensure proper load integrity, as well as eliminating dangerous and troublesome film tails, all Octopus models (as with all Muller automatic stretch wrappers) feature impulse film cutting as well as impulse heat sealing. These systems heat up for only a fraction of a second to reduce energy usage as well as ensuring safety. The seal "welds" the film to its self. Due to the impulse nature of the heat sealing, there is no danger of damaging the load underneath.


The Octopus has been designed for the 3 shift a day, 7 day a week application. This type of application offers very little time for maintenance and equipment must therefore be able to perform for long periods of time under severe conditions. With rotary arm or turntable stretchwrappers, frequent maintenance problems are created simply from the result of having to support and rotate thousands of pounds. About 90% of downtime can be attributed to this area of the wrapper. Of course, it makes little sense to have a machine that rotates such a large mass for the sake of applying a few ounces of film to your load. Another Octopus maintenance benefit is that the Octopus uses three phase, AC variable frequency drive controlled motors for vertical and rotation drives where conventional wrappers use high maintenance DC (brush) motors.


No other stretchwrapper design has the ability to wrap in the number of wrap patterns or adapt to specific applications like the Octopus design. In addition to standard wrap patterns, the Octopus can also provide the following flexibility:

Top Banding:
Ability to apply film to only the top layers of the load, reducing film usage dramatically and increasing throughput while producing a quality unitized load.

Pak Air Wrap
: Applies prestretched bands of film to unitize the load while leaving air gaps to allow the load to "breathe". This allows condensation to escape from product or keeps produce fresh. An excellent option for replacing netting.

Split Wrap:
Allows two stacked loads to enter stretchwrapper and yet be wrapped and sealed individually thus increasing throughput by reducing conveyor transfer time.

Multiple Wrap Pattern Capacity:
Allows for unlimited number of wrap patterns to be applied intermittently using remote signals provided by upstream palletizer(s).

Top Cap Application**:
Automatic application of top cap, which is held in place until secured by film.

Corner Post Application**:
Automatic application of corner boards (4), which are held in place until secured by film.

In-Frame Top Sheet Dispenser**:
Automatic application of a poly top sheet to the load in the wrap zone. Minimizes risk of top sheet being displaced while in transport. As well can provide a "Splash Proof" wrap where the top sheet is sandwiched between two layers of film.

**Available only on certain models.


The Octopus has an extensive list of safety features, some of which have been listed below:

  • A total of 18 safety signals to protect personnel and equipment including:
    • "E"-stop and safety lockout disconnect
    • Lockout gate safety switch
    • External perimeter entry safety eyes (2)
    • Wrap zone load location safety eyes (2)
    • Infeed and exit conveyor sequencing interlocks (4)
  • Manual lockout air dump valve ensures all air pressure is relieved and locked out as required by OSHA. Also, a low air pressure safety switch is standard on some models to shut down the machine if air pressure falls below the required level.
  • Competitive "high speed" rotary arm or turntable machines generally required the use of 30" wide film rolls which weigh 52 pounds to achieve the required throughput. Besides consuming more film to achieve the same load containment, 30" film is also a dangerously heavy weight to manipulate. This results in increased back injuries and insurance claims in the plant. The high-speed capability of the Octopus allows the use of 20" film rolls, which weigh one third less and thus are within guidelines of safe lifting weights.
  • The Octopus provides the safety maintenance conditions in stretchwrapping. Since the rotating ring can be lowered to a comfortable working height, any maintenance on the rotation drive. and slip ring assembly becomes not only safe but also fast. Competitive rotary arm machines required that you climb a ladder and do difficult maintenance and repairs fifteen (15) feet above the ground. Turntable machines require maintenance personnel work underneath machines, or worse, complete removal of the turntable to access the drive assembly.

MPEG Movie

Click to see a movie of the Octopus in action. (Please Note: This WMV file is 29MB in size. Depending on the speed of your connection and the software available on your computer, you may wish to select an alternate file size or type, available here.)

Reconditioned Stretch Wrappers,
Priced to Sell with Attractive Deliveries

In this time of economic uncertainty, spend your capital equipment budget wisely with great deals on WARRANTIED Reconditioned Stretch Wrappers, Conveyors, and other associated equipment. See our Used and Reconditioned Stretch Wrapping Equipment page for details on our current offering.

From low volume/low cost turntable semi-automatics, through turntable and rotary tower fully automatic systems, to the economical Octopus 202, and right on up to a high speed/high volume/highly efficient Octopus 606/808, we have a reconditioned stretch wrap machine to suit your needs.

Where capital funds and/or delivery expectations are an issue, let GAP's reconditioned stock machines fill your need.

Contact Us for details.


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